Design is function, is shape.

Global Presence

Our International Partners

Over the last two decades, we have not only increased the volume of exported products but also expanded our range of international clients and partners.



The Power of Numbers

We stand out by combining great production power with a high level of quality.

  • 500 thousand

    pillows sold per year

  • + 1M km

    of fabric used in production

About Us

A company based in Gandra, Porto, Portugal, working throughout all of Europe. From the mass production of cushions and pillows to the production of fillings for upholstery.

A family-driven company that has passed through several generations, leaving in each one a sense of passion and hard work in the business world.

Foto Mário, o CEO

In-House Production

We are committed to applying the latest trends and technologies to ensure a high-volume production that is sustainable, standardized, and of high quality, characteristics that define us.

We constantly invest in infrastructure and in our team, aligning high-level machinery with the necessary technical expertise.

Foto fábrica

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